Data Gathering Tool (DGT)

North Central Ohio Educational Service Center’s Data Gathering Tool (DGT) is a data collection tool for administrative walkthroughs and observations. Aligned to the OTES 2.0 Rubric, the DGT assists administrators in collecting focused data that assist you in implementing OTES 2.0. The DGT process aligns with the Ohio educator evaluation reporting options.

The rubric is organized using the the rubric categories of OTES 2.0: Instructional Planning, Instruction and Assessment and Professionalism. Under each of these tabbed categories, you find the rubric’s related standards of teaching. Documenting evidence can be as simple as tapping an indicator inside the rubric.

The DGT also offers informal walkthrough options or can be customized to use locally developed walkthrough tools.

With the DGT you can

  • Select criteria from the OTES 2.0 rubric
  • Document evidence by standards, looks like/sounds like criteria, and scribing
  • Date and timestamp your evidence
  • Scribe notes
  • Selec pre- and post-observation questions and email them to the teacher in advance
  • Record professional goals and HQSD
  • Develop a Professional Growth and/or Improvement Plan with teacher
  • Complete a Self-Assessment Summer with teacher
  • Generate PDF documents/reports of the walkthrough or observation to email to teacher

The DGT for OCSES is also available.

For more information, contact Kathy Mohr,